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均值區間:23.迷你倉88元-27.97元極值區間:17.28元-43.90元股票簡稱 股票代碼 總股本 本次公開發行股份 每股淨資產 上市日期鼎捷軟件 300378 11,878.4681萬股 3000萬股 9.27 元 2014 年 1 月 27 日發行價 發行市盈率 中簽率 發行方式 保薦機構20.77 元 27.37 倍 2.59% 網下詢價配售與網上按市值申購定價發行相結合 長江證券承銷保薦有限公司主營業務 以自制 ERP 軟件為核心的企業管理軟件的研發、銷售、實施及 服務。公司前身是神州數碼管理有限公司,主要產品是以自儲存倉ERP軟件為核心的企業管 理軟件一體化解決 方案,主要包括ERP、E-ERP及行業解決方案。國聯證券:合理估值區間22-25元。預計公司2013-2015年每股收益分別為:0.89元、1.09元和1.28元。目前A股市場上同類公司平均市盈率偏高,2014年平均市盈率為44倍,但剔除估值異常的浪潮軟件,其他三家公司平均估值20.5倍,給予公司2014年對應20-23倍市盈率,合理價格區間為22-25元。信達證券:結合相對估值和絕對估值,綜合考慮,認為公司的合理價值區間為22.65-27.2元,我們建議的詢價區間為20.6-24.6元迷你倉最平

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self storage 說起舊書,在很多地方它們的歸宿是大雜院式的收購站,論斤兩比大白菜還便宜,在那舊書的字裡行間寫著一聲聲的嘆息。不過,在今天的英國威爾士的海奧威鎮,卻因為舊書交易成為了英國最繁忙的小鎮。在這裡,舊書不再是廢品,而被當成古董,稍名貴一點的舊書報都用塑料薄膜嚴嚴實實封住,上面用記號筆寫著:“書頁脆弱,請勿動手!”且價格不菲。除此之外,在海奧威鎮的米歇爾大街的幾家書店,更有讓文人匯聚的隨便翻閱型快樂舊書店。海奧威鎮能夠把舊書打造成這樣的一番新天地,歸功于1962年從英國牛津大學畢業的理查·布恩。當年的他來到這裡,看到這裡古堡森森,十分懷舊,更契合舊書風貌,於是,他從全國搜訂了3000冊平裝舊書,開設了第一家舊書店,並在地區報刊上大做廣告。他的廣告很奇特,舊古堡,舊書,一片陳舊,更像一個小鎮宣傳片,卻取得了出其不意的效果。很多人帶著旅遊的心態來到這裡,從旅遊者又變成了讀者,讓他的舊書變廢為寶,取得了良好的經濟效益。他嘗到了甜頭,便在美國設立收購舊書辦事處。再從倫敦裝上卡車運到這裡。他的舊書生意越做越專業,也越做越紅火。接著跟隨理查·布恩開設舊書店的攤主,當地政府都嚴格審查,必須是學有專長的文化人,他們對自家的舊書店分工明確,各有側重,你有的貨我不進,我有的貨你也不進,以免影響彼此的生意。這種齊心協力的態度,促進了海奧威鎮舊書市場更加日益繁榮。這裡的舊書在標價上還有一個顯著特點:舊書的價碼標準不完全看書的品相,而是看作者的年代,越經典的作者往往賣價越便宜。莫里哀或博馬舍的任何一部戲劇作品都不會超過5美元,厚實平滑的紙頁翻起來手感極佳,還配有數十張精美的鋼筆畫插圖……而現代作家身價明顯不一樣:普魯斯特的《追憶似水年華》一卷30美元,杜拉斯的《抵擋太平洋的堤壩》22 美元,昆德拉的《笑忘錄》 25美元……來這裡旅遊或淘書的人們還常常有驚喜,因為這裡擁有大量各國早已絕版的舊書。一本16世紀出版的《聖經》,售價2700美元;一本弗萊明(《007》的作者)的書,售價1200美元;1840年出版的大衛·羅伯特著的《神奇土地》,售價2.75萬美元。有些東西,價格越高,越有市場,更深受各國書迷青睞,十分走俏。我在這裡看到一本叫《局外人》的舊書,連續十多頁頁角上都嘲諷似的畫著一個小怪物,我很快地翻動書頁,它就會慢慢咧開嘴,做個鬼臉,仿佛給作者笨拙地幫腔——我是有價值的。是的,在這裡,舊書不再是廢物,而是真正有價值的精神食糧,給人類的進步和發展繼續發揮著重要的作用。迷利倉

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昨天的北京西站,乘客排隊上車。新華社發新華社電 春節的腳步越來越近,節前最後一個周末,全國公路、鐵路、民航、水路迎來節前出行客流最高峰。據不完全統計,這兩天單日出行旅客將突破1億人次。“預計今天乘坐客運汽車回家的旅客約9900萬人次,乘坐輪船的人將超過100萬人次,全國公路、水路運輸全面進入客流最高峰期。”交通運輸部新聞發言人梁曉安26日表示。為確保廣大旅客買得到票,坐得上車,上得了船,全國公路運輸共投入86萬輛客運汽車,日發送客運班車超過260萬趟。全國300萬交通系統的幹部職工堅守在工作崗位上,領導24小時值班和帶班。鐵路方面,25日、26日兩天,日均發送旅客680萬人次左右,全國鐵路開行旅客列車約5000列,其中加開臨客約650列。作為節前出行最大客流的“北上廣”地區,分別發送旅客75萬、128萬、108萬人次左右,同比增長 storage2%、18.5%、7.8%。春運期間,鐵路部門加強進出站、乘降列車等客流密集處的組織引導;嚴格站車“三品”查堵,堅決self storage危險品堵在站外車下;加強調度指揮,堅持以確保安全為前提,抓好非正常情況下的行車組織,確保旅客安全出行。熱門航路的民航現在也面臨“一票難求”。民航局副局長夏興華表示,全國民航預計26日將運送旅客超過120萬人次,超過1.4萬個航班運行。各航空公司除了提前安排好正班和加班計劃的航班外,還以滾動方式投入備份運力,確保旅客方便出行。同時,各航空公司加強運行控制,做好機務維修,各機場加強對機場運行設備的檢查和維護,民航公安部門加強現場巡視,維護候機樓公共秩序,確保旅客安全出行。■現場·北京多重驗票防“黃牛”志願者負責解答旅客問題,幫助困難旅客找到愛心窗口接受送站服務;武警戰士則主要負責維持現場秩序,保證人流有序進站。今年春運,北京鐵路部門加大了對旅客車票的查驗力度。在進站口,記者看到工作人員仔細核對旅客的身份證號與車票,並在驗證通過後的車票上蓋上紅章;在候車室,工作人員還要在旅客上車前再次驗票,對人票不符的旅客一律禁止登車,以減少“黃牛”票對正常售票市場的干擾。迷你倉

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文件倉目前移動裝置互聯網仍在急速發展,使用者與日俱增,我們相信下一個發展大浪潮將會是「物聯網」,即是由可以感應、處理及溝通數據的實物聯接而成的環球生態系統。其實「物聯網」並非新概念新事,在2000 年南韓企業LG 已製造過一部接連互聯網的雪櫃,只是當時仍有很多限制,令發展裹足不前。然而,到近年以互聯網為基礎的智能電話獲廣泛應用,就成了「物聯網」最大的發展動力。今天智能電話可說是一部連接互聯網的微型電腦,而且功能較10 年前的普通電腦更勝一籌。至於可以在「雲端」儲存大量數據則是令概念得以實行的新元素,這亦是「大數據」主題背後的關鍵催化劑。最後,如處理器及感應器等硬件的價格持續下跌,也是推動「物聯網」進步的一大因素。縱向行業潛力較大「物聯網」概念為商業及投資帶來了很多不同的機會。在行業層面,我們會從第一層橫向及第二層縱向兩方面作分析。首先,橫向的受惠者是那些製造主要硬件,成就「物聯網」發展的公司。其中一個橫向受惠者是低成本的半導體微型機電系統(semiconductor-based micro-electromechanicals存倉stems;MEMS)感應器,這零件可收集從連接「物聯網」物件發出的真實世界數據,而現代智能電話已具有數個MEMS感應器。而縱向的受惠者則是間接受惠者,這些公司能從針對行業應用中獲益,最終提高生產效率或服務品質。硬件公司利潤難保不過,雖然在橫向及縱向行業均能找到機會,但我們認為縱向行業商機更為廣泛,因為「物聯網」的潛在工業應用多元化,部分公司可能改變整個遊戲規則。因此我們的研究力度主要集中在決定哪些公司能領導落實有效「物聯網」策略,進而從競爭者中脫穎而出。此外,在這方面先驅優勢亦很關鍵,愈早應用「物聯網」可令市佔率顯著上升。至於我們認為橫向行業投資機會較少,是因為硬件商品化的可能性很高。簡言之,硬件是更容易被複製,利潤可以跌得很快,價值亦會轉移至較難複制的地方。以電腦為例,價值不斷向主要軟件發行商、供應商及服務提供者轉移。總結而言,我們預期可以互相溝通智能物件的迅速增長,將會是繼智能手機後另一大科技浪潮。另外,我們相信智能連繫配件有潛力去將很多不同行業商業模式作轉型,亦為能快速應用「物聯網」發展的公司創造優勢。富達國際投資儲存

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mini storage 2014年2月11日,比特幣將迎來五歲生日。在中國,短短40天內,比特幣三次遇挫。第一次是中國人民銀行、工信部、銀監會、證監會、保監會五部委發佈的聯合通知,警示比特幣投資風險;第二次是隨後央行約談第三方支付機構;第三方支付機構不再提供比特幣充值服務。自此前2014年1月14日起,淘寶上,關於比特幣、挖礦教程、礦機等商品信息絕跡。此前,騰訊從來就沒有為比特幣敞開過大門,百度頁關上了比特幣的大門。但是,國際上並未完全唱衰比特幣。2013年11月28日,比特幣兌美元價格自沖至歷史性高點1200美元後,接著在各國央行陸續發出的預警聲中被拉至600美元以下,近來又在越來越多國際商業機構接受比特幣支付的利好消息下持續爬升,比特幣價格回到了1000美元。比特幣的本質到底是什麼?由時下國內比特幣從業者撰寫的專著《比特幣》或許能幫讀者初步認識——畢竟,它才剛剛五歲。屬性“虛幻”的比特幣從物理屬性而言,比特幣不具備任何物質貨幣形態,它實際上是一個靠物理運算機器在網絡上支撐起的運算系統,整個運算採用PSP開源軟件和哈希算法(一種安全散列算法),每一個參與運算的人依靠自己機器的物理運算能力在總網絡中的比例來獲取報酬。從經濟角度而言,比特幣是一個具有一般貨幣功能的公開記賬系統,用點對點分佈式網絡數據庫記錄著每一個人獲取和交易比特幣的行為,這些記錄實際上就是每個比特幣參與者網絡財富的公開明細,所以比特幣它不可能從網絡分離,也不可能脫離這個記錄而單獨存在。從金融角度而言,比特幣是一個快捷、透明的支付工具,隨著參與者的增多,比特幣的生態圈正在逐步完善,不久之後人們完全可以依靠它的支付功能過上正常的生活,讓它大有可以和其他金融支付工具競爭的潛力。作用無法隨意增發,避免膨脹和濫發從比特幣所包含的內容可以看出,它最大的特徵就是去中心化。如今的貨幣已經發展到“信用貨幣”階段,即國家信用作為貨幣的支撐,代表政府的中央銀行壟斷貨幣的發現權,並採用強制手段保證法幣的統治地位。這樣以紙幣為主要形式的貨幣就和具體的價值物分離了,國家實際掌握了憑空擁有財富的能力,加之國家不可能絕對理性,所以通貨膨脹幾乎是難以避免的,造成的後果就是公�財富被侵蝕和誘發經濟危機。針對這種情況,以哈耶克為首的經濟學家,提出了貨幣的非國家化,想用一種非中心貨幣取代國家法幣,至少是和法幣競爭,這樣才能讓價格穩定,避免膨脹和濫發貨幣。比特幣創始人中本聰沒有明確表示是因為要實踐哈耶克的理性而創造了比特幣,但它出現在金融危機之後和它去中心化的屬性讓後來的部分參與者都把比特幣作為這種理論實踐的最好工具。《比特幣》一書的幾位作者進入比特幣世界的動機雖有不同,不過支持這一理論是他們最大的共同點,他們都把去中心化看做比特幣核心的潛在價值,認為比特幣本身不由任何中心銀行控制,交易需要全網公開確認,算法面前人人平等,而且有數量限制無法隨意增發,又可以無限分割,既不會膨脹更不會緊縮,是貨幣發展的真正未來。他們還指出,正是它去中心化,比特幣才和所有其他的虛擬貨幣產生了本質區別。其他諸如Q幣之類的虛擬貨幣,仍然是由發行者控制的幣種,它們只是貨幣形態的轉換。在他們看來,炒作比特幣只是短視者的暫時行為,真正的比特幣未來不是靠炒作,而是形成比特幣生態圈,與法幣競爭或共存,從而改變人類的經濟行為,這也是他們期待和正在努力的方向。著名經濟學家羅伯特·希勒力主擴大金融民主,認為這是金融業的方向,也是解決社會平等的最好辦法,按照這個觀點,比特幣無疑是符合未來發展趨勢的。前景比特幣不需要國家承認從宏觀經濟理論的高度出發,比特幣被幾位作者賦予了高尚的使命和光明的未來,不過他們也承認,比特幣畢竟是在初級階段,其弊端依然明顯。一是比特幣缺乏監管,很多交易涉及非法活動,比如洗錢,買賣違禁品等;第二比特幣總價值依然很小,不過十幾億美元,很容易被人設局炒作;第三比特幣網絡還有很多需要完善的地方,黑客攻擊曾經讓比特幣交易癱瘓,很多人的賬戶遭受了巨大損失;第四比特幣的生態系統依然脆弱,其交易的時間長和可購買對象稀少等問題突出;第五很多山寨幣在模仿比特幣,對其造成了一定威脅。作者宣稱,比特幣本身是一種去中心化的貨幣,並不需要國家的承認,包括美國、德國在內的政府都是從防止其非法用途出發進行監管,無力也無心阻止比特幣本身的運轉,那些相對開放的國度都希望在比特幣成熟後在其世界中獲得優勢地位。□曾靖皓【延伸閱讀】哈耶克在《貨幣的非國家化》中提出了一個革命性建議:廢除中央銀行制度,允許私人發行貨幣,並自由競爭,這個競爭過程將會發現最好的貨幣。【鏈接】2009年2月11日晚上10點27分,一個名叫中本聰的人,在P2P基金會網站發帖,稱自己開發出了一個叫做比特幣的開源P2P(點對點)電子現金系統,它完全去中心化,沒有中央服務器或者托管方,所有一切都是基於參與者。和傳統貨幣不同,比特幣沒有中央發行機構。人們只需要打開電腦,運行比特幣軟件,就可以參與比特幣的製造。諾貝爾經濟學獎得主克魯格曼一直反對比特幣。2013年,他寫了四篇質疑比特幣的文章,有人把這些文章的發表時間嵌入MtGox的交易情況曲線圖,發現每次他抨擊的時候,比特幣就應聲上漲。《比特幣》作者:李鈞、長鋏等出版社:中信出版社2014年1月定價:39.00《貨幣的非國家化》作者:(英)哈耶克 姚中秋譯出版社:新星出版社2007年8月定價:25.00儲存

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Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.迷你倉Jan. 24--INDIANA -- Criminal charges won't be filed in a bus crash that claimed two lives last fall, Indiana County's district attorney said Wednesday.While the Nanty Glo man behind the wheel of the small SeniorLIFE bus caused the crash by running a red light, there was no sign of further recklessness to warrant criminal action -- and it's likely the driver never saw the red light, Indiana County District Attorney Patrick Dougherty said."When we look at criminal charges in cases like this one, such as assault or homicide by vehicle, we have to prove there was gross negligence by the actor -- a higher-than-ordinary amount of negligence,"? Dougherty said, citing speeding or driving impaired by drugs or alcohol as typical examples. "That wasn't the case here."Police said the Sept. 4 accident occurred in White Township on Ben Franklin Road's Shelly Drive intersection. The bus, driven by Michael Smith, 20, of Nanty Glo, struck a sedan crossing its path under a green light, Dougherty said.The impact ejected one passenger, Sandra Livingston, 70, of Homer City, causing blunt force trauma that claimed her life in a Pittsburgh hospital less than three hours later, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office said at the time.A 79-year-old Shelocta, Indiana County, woman also died two w自存倉eks later of injuries sustained in the crash. Indiana County Chief Deputy Coroner Jeffrey Overman said the woman, Cathryn Reeger, was a passenger on the bus and that she died at home Sept. 20.The car's driver, Frank Fazio Jr., 77, was also among those injured but was able to escape major injury, police said at the time.A state police accident reconstruction team spent months investigating the crash, examining both vehicles involved and crash scene evidence among other information to determine what happened on the road, Dougherty said.Neither the SeniorLIFE bus nor the sedan it struck had mechanical issues that would have been factors in the accident, Dougherty added."(Smith) just didn't see the light,"?Dougherty said. "It appears (Smith) didn't apply the brakes until he hit the car."Attempts to reach a SeniorLIFE spokesman for comment were unsuccessful Wednesday and Thursday.Summary vehicle code citations -- traffic tickets -- were filed this month against Smith for careless driving and failure to obey traffic control devices, online court records show.David Hurst is a reporter with The Tribune-Democrat. Follow him at ___ (c)2014 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.Jan. 24--Officials with Saint Vincent and Titusville Area hospitals will spend the next three months discussing a possible merger and other ways to help the Crawford County hospital.Saint Vincent and Titusville Area have reached a "collaborative agreement" that promises to strengthen ties between the two facilities. Officials will spend the next 90 to 100 days analyzing Titusville Area's clinical and administrative operations and determining areas for improvement, said Saint Vincent Chief Executive Scott Whalen and Titusville Area Chief Executive Anthony Nasralla."Is there a path where (Titusville Area) can remain independent? Is there not? These are questions we have to answer," Whalen said.Titusville Area started looking for partner hospitals more than a year ago. Recent changes in Medicare reimbursement and the effects of the Affordable Care Act convinced the hospital's board of directors that it wasn't feasible to continue without some kind of help, Nasralla said.The hospital posted a "significant" operating deficit in fiscal 2012-13 after several years of operating profits. An exact amount of the deficit was not available because Titusville Area hasn't yet posted its 2012-13 tax return, Nasralla said."One of the most distressing things is the change in Medicare rules," Nasralla said. "(Medicare officials) can now look up 3-year-old cases to determine if a Medicare patient should have been held under observation instead of admitted. If that's the case, they can claim up to two-thirds of their reimbursement."Having trimmed its staff by more than 10 percent in recent years to 350 employees, Titusville Area doesn't have the people to monitor these cases adequately, Nasralla said.It was one reason why the 72-bed hospital started talking with other hospitals about some type of partnershi24小時迷你倉."We did talk with other health systems, but Saint Vincent proved to be a natural partner," Nasralla said. "Our hospitals' relationship goes back almost three decades. ... Scott (Whalen) and I are on the same page."Saint Vincent has sent urologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, surgeons and emergency medicine physicians to work at Titusville Area over the years. The two hospitals also partner on a telemedicine program for neurological and cardiac patients.Now Saint Vincent could send administrative personnel to Titusville, too. The Erie hospital has made significant changes in the past few years as it has joined Highmark's Allegheny Health Network and been approved by the federal government as an accountable care organization.It has implemented electronic medical records, created patent-centered medical homes -- primary-care offices that better coordinate patient care than traditional offices -- and saved money on medical supplies through group purchasing."We will start assessing the situation (at Titusville Area) and if there's something we find that can be easily improved, we will start on that," Whalen said.If the two hospitals decide to merge, the Allegheny Health Network could offer Titusville Area financial assistance. But both CEOs repeatedly said a merger is only one possible result of this collaboration.Regardless of the outcome, Saint Vincent and its network will benefit from the process by gaining a stronger ally in their corporate battle against the UPMC health system, which operates both UPMC Hamot in Erie and UPMC Northwest in Venango County.DAVID BRUCE can be reached at 870-1736 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at ___ (c)2014 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉旺角

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迷你倉最平農曆新年話咁快就到,不少人會趁大年初一去睇花車巡遊,除了精緻的花車、動感的啦啦隊外,當然唔少得充滿中國傳統色彩的舞龍。別以為夠力舉起隻龍,跟住大隊行就得,據今年有份參與花車巡遊舞龍表演的龍志暉師傅表示:「除了要表現出舞龍的動感與神態外,近年還加入疊羅漢、跳躍等元素,為這傳統藝術注入新動力,打破『老餅』形象。」舞夜龍時為了增加效果,會採用加裝了LED燈的龍珠。技術合作要求高舞龍是中國傳統文化活動,每年大坑舉行的舞火龍便最為人熟悉,但很多人卻對舞龍有所誤解。香港北少林龍國術總會總教練龍志暉師傅表示:「一般人冇經過甚麼訓練,都可跟大隊參與舞火龍,但比賽及表演舞龍的技術要求卻極高,好似我們為了準備年初一的花車巡遊表演,由設計動作至訓練,便用了近半年時間。」原來傳統舞龍主要分為遊、翻、滾、穿、騰、纏、戲、盤8大動作,而龍師傅卻在基礎上,加入大量組陣等新招。「以『單人雙槓』這招為例,便要表演者分成兩組,一組疊在另一組雙肩上,然後靈活地舞動龍身,對力量及平衡都有極高要求。另一招『螺旋跳』,則要一邊轉動龍身,一邊做出跳躍動作,節奏一亂全員隨時絆倒地上,極考合作性。」演變成綜合運動除了花式層出不窮,龍身亦隨�科技進步而演變,例如近年開始流行舞夜龍,即是在整隻龍塗上螢光漆,然後於漆黑環境下舞動,伸手不見五指,一定要排練得極純熟。「可以說,舞龍已進化成一種綜合運動,如參加者對自己臂力有信心,可以挑戰舞龍頭;身體柔軟度高的話,則可做疊羅漢;音樂節奏感強者,則可選擇演奏鼓、鑼、鈸,絕對是一種適合任何人玩的運動。」學校推廣更親民講到咁好玩,難道要去武館拜師才能一嘗舞龍滋味?很多家長常誤以為品流複雜,都未必會讓子女到武館習武。龍師傅遂積極迷你倉中小學合作,派師傅去學校開班,小朋友當舞龍是課外活動,都表現得很有興趣;家長又覺得有益身心,反應都很正面。反而是微調教學方法更費心力,他補充:「武館的要求極之嚴格,正式教你舞龍前,閒閒�要紮馬一兩個鐘。教學生就不可以這樣,要用有趣的方法吸引他們,例如紮馬改為自由體操,只要練到舞龍最重要的肩、腰及腿力就可以了。而女孩子的體力未必可練到很強壯,但優點是聽教聽話,而且音樂節奏感較佳,可按她們喜好而教授鼓、鑼、鈸等伴奏樂器,女仔在這方面的掌握,往往比男仔好。」巡遊舞出新招式今年龍志暉師傅率領一眾學員,參與年初一花車巡遊,約7:00pm開始出動南龍、北龍表演,並為此設計了多款新動作,等小記率先介紹幾招:螺旋跳一邊轉動龍身,一邊做出跳躍動作,節奏一亂,全員隨時絆倒地上。躺肩躺腿兩組學員以躺臥姿勢,躺於左右學員的肩上及腿上。單人雙槓先將學員分成兩組,一組疊在另一組的雙肩上,然後舞動龍身。南北龍之分舞龍有南北之分,南龍在江南一帶發展出來,體積又大又重,風格�重氣勢,由於南龍不追求靈活,故龍身可長至百多米。而北龍則於江北一帶發展出來,比較細小輕巧,用料由傳統的紙紮及較新的膠料都有,由於夠輕巧,故能做出翻騰等靈巧動作。龍珠是關鍵正如舞獅有大頭佛一樣,舞龍亦有人負責舉龍珠,別以為龍珠比龍頭輕身,便是輕鬆的角色,其實負責舉龍珠的人,要帶領整條龍的前進方向,還需不時擺動讓龍追�,令龍表現得更富活力,故通常由有經驗的舞龍表演者負責,重要性不下於龍頭。舞龍班資料時間:10:00am~12:00nn(逢星期日)收費:約$250(每月4堂)查詢電話:2323 0839撰文:周仲明 攝影:胡振文 模特兒:Charlotte(Pure Models)mini storage

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With the cocktail bar scene as thriving as it is in Singapore these days, hotel bars too are not to be left storage Three have upped their game by roping in top mixologists, growing their own herbs and specialising in craft beers. By Debbie YongOne-Ninety by Javier de las MuelasFour Seasons Hotel Singapore190 Orchard BoulevardTel: 6831 7671Open 8am-1am dailyWHAT makes a good hotel bar? One filled with pleased-as-punch hotel guests is not enough for veteran mixologist Javier de las Muelas - it has to be a gathering point for locals too."A hotel bar isn't just for hotel guests anymore. It's somewhere people can go to to discuss business, or for ladies who want somewhere to rest between their rounds of shopping," says the Spanish mixologist and owner of the award-winning Dry Martini and Gimlet bars in Barcelona.He was in town this week for the official launch of lounge-bar One-Ninety, a collaborative effort with the Four Seasons Hotel Singapore. The bar re-opening comes after a six-week overhaul as part of the hotel's bigger revamp to mark its 20th anniversary.To cater to this expanded demographic of bar patrons, then, he's designed the drinks menu around a more "feminine" pysche, Mr de las Muelas says, filled with healthier, antioxidant-packed and less alcohol-laden concoctions suitable for light afternoon drinking.On why he agreed to launch a Singapore outpost, Mr de las Muelas, who also crafted the One-Ninety Bar in the Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay last year, says: "Singapore is so Asian but yet it has a modern twist, I've always thought it was special."He recalls having a drink in the bar's outdoor terrace on a visit here two years ago - before the partnership was inked - and "I thought, how nice it would be if I could create a bar here one day."The natural go-to section of the cocktail list is the range of classic martinis ($22), such as the Gibson, Martinez and the dry martini, the recipe for which Mr de las Muelas spent 35 years perfecting (the trick, he says, is that the gin has to be "very, very cold" and stirred for a mere 10 to 15 seconds, not shaken a la James Bond). More adventurous drinkers will delight, however, in the signature cocktails ($23) exclusive to Singapore, which work in tropical flavours such as pineapple, coconut and ginger.To keep standards consistent across his global ventures, bartenders at One-Ninety were first trained at his existing bars before being deployed, and cocktails are flavoured with his custom-produced Droplets range of all-natural, non-alcoholic flavour essences with aromas such as rosemary, smoked oak and Mediterranean flowers.New drink recipes will be introduced at One-Ninety every three to four months, with cocktail and sangria pitchers already on the cards. Knock them back with a group of friends on the bar's leafy outdoor terrace, which features a brand new smoking bar corner for cigar lovers. Gourmet sharing plates such as charcuteria boards, wood-fired focaccia with truffle mascarpone cheese and wagyu mini sliders cap the experience.He's encountered many "stressful bars" in which bartenders are hurriedly churning out drinks during his travels in Asia, says Mr de las Muelas, but "a bar must be authentic and have soul. It's not only about the alcohol, or the type of glassware and bar tools you use, but about creating the perfect atmosphere as the whole."Agreeing, Four Seasons Singapore's general manager Antoine Chahwan adds: "Hotel bars of the past were very stiff - you didn't feel very cared for. You were attended to by someone who knew everything and you feel like you didn't know anything, which can be an intimidating experience."But bars these days are undergoing an evolution: bars are now part of a state of mind, a place where you express your emotional status, be it celebratory or otherwise. Even if you're not a conoisseur, you should be able to find something that you like. You have to feel good when you leave." Singapore, 80 Bras Basah RdTel: 6431 5315Open 5pm-2am, dailyTHE farm-to-bar movement that rapidly sprouted up in Singapore over the last six months is no longer just confined to the backyard herb gardens of standalone cocktail bars.Sustainability-savvy hotels are starting to get in on the act too, and the latest among them is the Fairmont Hotel and its month-old Antidote bar.After a short period of refurbishment in December, away went the hotel's dark and broody jazz lounge, Ink, and in its place is modern, airy cocktail bar Antidote, which features cocktails made with fresh herbs and vegetables taken from the hotel's 600 sq ft, six-month old organic herb garden.And, as seems requisite for progressive cocktail joints these days, the hotel has roped in forward-thinking New York-born mixologist Tom Hogan to front the bar. Besides working in the fresh harvests, Waldorf Astoria Hotel-trained Mr Hogan has concocted a homemade series of bitters, liqueurs, flavoured sodas and vermouth for use in his cocktails.But what good is all the extra effort if it is lost on the patrons? To this end, part of the refurbishment effort also tore down kitchen walls, replacing them instead with kitchen and bar counters fully exposed to public view."Customers these days expect not only great tasting cocktails, but also an education on the origins of the ingredients used as well as processes and inspirations behind each cocktail," explains the hotel's director of food and beverage, Nick Flynn.In the dining space, a mix of plush sofas, lounge chairs and standing tables with cushioned high perches cater to all tipplers, whether you're looking to knock back a refresher while checking in, to catch up with clients over an afternoon beer, or to sip on a cocktail before a night out on the town.The bar menu, likewise, is a sketchbook peek into the mind of a mixologist, and features art school-educated Mr Hogan's quirky sketches of elaborately garnished cocktails and scribbled notations on each drink's composition. From the list of signature concoctions ($23), The Blood of Dillinger is a earthy, violet-toned muddle of beetroot, rosemary, honey, lemon and tequila, while Le Liason is a smoky-yet-smooth liquid working in Luxardo maraschino liqueur, egg white, lemon, and a touch of scotch whisky.True to the bar's name, the menu also has a full page dedicated to 'tonics' ($19), or cocktails that work in healthy medicinal herbs and vegetables such as cinchonas, bittergourd and American ginseng, that taste far better than they sound on paper.Peckish drinkers can feed on substantial European small plates with Asian inflections, such as the yummy-sounding langoustine tartar with peanut tofu in a chilled tom yum broth ($16) or the braised veal cheek with P?mrigord black truffle bao ($20).Cook and BrewLevel 33, The Westin Singapore, 12 Marina View, Asia Square Tower 2Tel: 6922 6948Open 11am-12mn Mon-Thu, 11am-1am Fri, 6pm-1am SunLUXURY hotel bars are usually more likely to trumpet their state-of-the-art wine cellars, or the range of premium whiskies in their whisky lounges - but newly opened The Westin Singapore has side-stepped convention to cast their spotlight on beer instead. Lots of it.Built into the 33rd floor of the hotel, in a spacious mezzanine floor above the lobby is Cook and Brew, a modern gastrobar that features over 100 different labels of beer from 17 countries.Organised by country, the beer catalogue rolls in everything from ubiquitous labels such as Heineken, Tiger, Carlsberg and Corona to more craft potions from breweries such as Scotland's Brew Dog, Australia's Cheeky Rascals and Mountain Goat Steam, and Sierra Nevada from the United States.A small bites menu runs the global gamut of flavours with creations such as chicken kofta with herb croutons and mint yogurt ($10), a salt and tongue-tingling peppercorn-dusted fried squid ($12) and wasabi mayo-drizzled soft shell crab with antioxidant-rich sweet potato fries ($12).Lunch-seeking office workers from the Marina Bay in can also stop by for larger plates that offer something for everyone, from local-inspired laksa ($22) and chilli crab ($29) to European-leaning staples such as barbecue pork ribs ($26), fish and chips ($19) and pancetta bacon and sunny side up-topped beef burgers ($19). All of the dishes come with recommended beer pairings - the delicate umami of the Hitachino Red Rice beautifully rounds out the fatty salmon and avocado toppings in the Sushi Bowl ($16), for instance - consult a frie迷你倉dly waitstaff if you don't know better.In keeping with the casual atmosphere, dedicated oenophiles can help themselves to their fill of 16 labels of red and white wines from the self-service Enomatic machines."The food and beverage industry in Singapore has become more competitive over the years. Customers are becoming more sophisticated in their choice of food and drinks and hotels have to differentiate their food and beverage offerings to stand out from the competition," admits The Westin Singapore's food and beverage director, Zulkiflee Januar.Timber wood flooring, metal mesh curtains and vintage lamps amp up the grungy New York loft vibe in the spacious 120-seater lounge and dining sections.But the icing on the cake at Cook and Brew is probably the unhindered views over the South China Sea that it affords. Drink it all in from the sea-facing strip of outdoor terrace at sunset, and you will quite easily forget that you're right in the heart of a congested metropolis' bustling financial district.Not had your fill? Try these other new and notable drinking holes.L'Aiglon 69 Neil RoadTel: 6220 0369Open 5pm till late, Mon-SatHOTEL bars are rarely sources of inspiration, but for French film director Pierre-Emmanuel Plassart (left), they evoke memories of childhood holidays with family and his own travels around the world as a former fashion photographer for luxury brands such as Cartier. Which is why he has no qualms admitting that his first F&B venture in Singapore, plush watering hole L'Aiglon along Neil Road, is modelled after one.Says Mr Plassart, who moved from Paris to Singapore in the middle of last year: "I didn't want to do another speakeasy. Comfort and service are very important to me."Sandwiched between Tanjong Pagar's rainbow bars and paces away from top drinking spots like the Cufflink Club and The Library, the 76-seater bar hopes to stand out by fronting top-shelf liquors and premium champagnes such as the Dom P?mrignon Brut Cuv?me Oenoth?oque 1971 or the Veuve Clicquot Brut Ros?m Cuv?me La Grande Dame 1990 - all arranged in categories such as vintage, non-vintage, exceptional cuvees, magnums and jeroboams, and ready stocked in-house."To me, champagne is the epitome of a celebration, and celebrations happen spontaneously - they can't be pre-planned," quips Mr Plassart. Bottle prices start at $110 for the house bubbly JM Labruyere - a 60,000 bottle per year production that makes its global debut at L'Aiglon - and go up to $5,000 for a Veuve Clicquot Brut Ros?m Cuv?me La Grande Dame 1990. For a truly exclusive experience, the private room for 10 can be cordoned off with its own private entrance by the back of the bar.For a more casual post-work sip, head barman Louis Tan, previously from The Horse's Mouth, shakes up a range of Franco-Asian cocktails such as the French 69, a tribute to the classic French 75 cocktail; the Asian Beauty, which fuses gin and pomegranate juice with accents of pandan and the cheekily named Screaming Tomatoes, a Bloody Mary spin-off working in blowtorched tomatoes.Travel influences further manifest in the bar's East-West roster of bar bites such as the PEP chicken mini burger, chicken samosas and the curry-tinged crab cakes with Granny Smith apples ($8 to $18).Whether in the custom-made velour sofas, the vintage metal trunk bar in the private alcove - all personally handpicked by Mr Plassart and his mother and shipped from Paris - or the walls displaying photographs from Mr Plassart's travels, the personal touch is undeniable.L'Aiglon (pronounced "leg-lon"), if you were wondering, meaning little eagle in French, was a common nickname for French leader Napoleon and also Mr Plassart's growing up. "I want this place to feel like an extension of my living room," explains the 31-year-old, who hopes to open a second outlet here by year-end.Way We Were92 Neil RoadTel: 6224 1607Open 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, weekends by appointmentTHE F&B boom in nearby Keong Saik Road and Duxton Hill seems to be quickly spilling over to the stretch of Neil Road wedged between, and latest new entrant, Way We Were, is something of cross between a Hong Kong-style private kitchen and a premium wine and spirits bottle shop.The inventory brief here is "rare, unique and interesting", according to Kevin Cheng, co-owner of the Concepts Group - which means you're probably knocking on the wrong barely-marked door if you're looking for New World libations or run-of-the-mill supermarket brands.Instead, Way We Were's 3,000-bottle wine cellar stocks labels from less popular parts of France such as the Jura Valley and - in keeping with the store's name - plenty of vintage gems such as extra-aged tequilas from HerraDura, Niepoort port wines dating back to 1850, and exalted Japanese whiskies such as 30 to 40-year-old Karuizawas.Also on their 36-page inventory list are a wood-encased bottle of Quinta do Vallado port from 1866 and every vintage from Spanish winery Bodegas Vega Sicilia since 1917. Prices start at $40 for a bottle of French wine and can stretch up to $35,000 for a 1964 Karuizawa whisky.Still can't find what you're looking for? Mr Cheng has a further 6,000 bottles in his collection currently safe-kept in professionally managed cellars in Bordeaux and Hong Kong, which can be air-freighted to Singapore with a week's notice. If you have a particularly elusive label in mind, the store's general manager Kenny Mok, a former sommelier at the Shangri-la Hotel in Hong Kong, will gladly tap on his network of industry contacts to uncover it, "whether you're looking for something from a specific year as a birthday present, or a limited edition bottle to impress your superiors", Mr Cheng adds.For the hard-to-impress, go a step further and create your own label of wine. Having bid and won in the Hospices de Beaune charity wine auctions since 2010, Mr Cheng will be able to aid interested connoisseurs on everything from the bidding process to the bottling and labelling of wines under one's preferred name.The versatile 500 sq ft space (right) holds up to 10 seated diners or 20 people standing, and can morph from intimate tastings room for a weekday night gathering among friends to a private dining space for guest chefs. Wall projectors help to facilitate informal corporate meetings and sessions with visiting wine speakers (Vega Sicilia's Pablo Alvarez will make an appearance next month.)Pair your tipple with ham, cheese and caviar platters or order from any of the Concepts Group's growing network of F&B spots, including The Retrospective, Mariko's and Bartini - all within a 10-minute delivery radius.Besides the economies of scale for Mr Cheng and his partners, their customers reap benefits, too: they can now order off Way We Were's premium winelist at any of the group's watering holes, which will then be dispatched on request.The Pecking Order / The Men's Room#01-01, 13 North Canal RoadOpens end MarchAh, it's about time. Already throbbing at the seams on weekend nights with work-weary corporates, popular watering hole The Mad Men on North Canal Road is set to triple their turf this March.The bar's management will be taking over the first and second floor units of the same building, which was previously occupied by now-defunct South American restaurant, Sur.In its place, the team - who also run The Merry Men on Robertson Quay - will launch two new concepts: a casual small plates restaurant, The Pecking Order, on the ground floor, and a whisky and cigar bar, The Men's Room, a floor above.The Pecking Order will dish out European cuisine in a format designed for sharing and pairing with drinks. The menu is still being tinkered with but expect dishes such as lamb chops with sides of baked endives and potatoes cooked in duck fat, along with seafood platters featuring fresh oysters, clams and prawns.The gin-centric drinks menu will showcase 10 to 15 labels such as Monkey 47 and The Botanist, along with premium tonic water, Italian Peroni beer and Magner's cider on tap.Upstairs, women-friendly The Men's Room will be fashioned after an old English bar with plenty of broody dark wood and leather accents, and high-end whiskies will be the tipple of choice. Cigar lovers will appreciate the tiny outdoor patio at the back, while DJs will spin mambo music on Wednesdays and crowd favourites on weekend nights."The flow of traffic has really picked up on this side of Boat Quay and this building holds plenty of sentimental value to us," says co-owner Eugene Fung.文件倉

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迷你倉 南方日報訊 (記者/黃倩蔚)日前,有消息指國有五大行最近開始放鬆存款浮動,都加入存款利率上浮到頂的隊伍,在基準存款利率基礎上浮10%。但昨日四大國有銀行廣東省分行均向南方日報記者表示,沒有收到總行的任何調整通知,目前存款利率並沒有變動,各檔次利率也並未上浮到頂。中國銀行總行也澄清表示,中行各期限存款利率按照官方網站的牌價執行,並沒有變化。目前五大行官方都表示要以官方網站數據為準,截至發稿時,五大行官方存款利率數據尚未上浮10%。 不過,四大行總行層面的業內人士也對媒體表示,其實很多利率浮動的權利被下放到地方分行一級的層面,不排除有些分行會根據自身情況進行相應調整。例如,中國農業銀行從2014年開年,推出“春天行動”專項營銷活動,在部分地區推出了階段性存款利率優惠促銷活動。農行方面也表示這個裁量權下放到了地方一級,由各分行決定是否參加促銷活動。不過,農行廣東省分行向記者表示,目前該行的存款利率上浮幅度暫無變化。此外,交通銀行從去年開始就針對5萬元的高淨值客戶,將部分存款利率上調至10%,而據交行內部人士透露,該行對於“5萬”元的門檻實際上已經放寬,也就是實際上利率已經採取了進一步上調至1.1倍的措施。 今年以來,互聯網金融創新給銀行存款帶來了較大的壓力。支付寶和天弘基金發佈的最新數據顯示,截至2014年1月15日,餘額寶規模已超過2500億元,規模超過當了7年基金霸主的華夏基金,客戶數也超過4900萬戶。餘額寶們的超強吸金能力也一定程度上影響了銀行吸收存款。 事實上,為了應付互聯網理財創新產品的衝擊,不少銀行今年也陸續與貨幣基金合作,推出兼具靈活流動性和較高收益率的各種“寶”,大部分國有銀行也針對達到期限的存款自動採用智能通知存款利率。當客戶指定的個人活期存款賬戶的人民幣存款餘額達到規定標準時,銀行根據存款餘額變動周期,相應給予客戶1天或7天人民幣通知存款利率,以提高部分活期存款的收益率。 中央財經大學中國銀行業研究中心主任郭田勇分析表示,從長期來看,隨著利率市場化推進和競爭的加劇,各家銀行陸續上浮存款利率是一個總體趨勢。短時間來看,目前資金面的壓力較大,各家銀行也要使出渾身解數,借助存款吸收資金,包括針對高端客戶上浮利率,借鑒互聯網金融推出一些金融創新的產品等。 圖片說明: CFP供圖 mini storage

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Source: Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.迷你倉Jan. 24--VICTOR VALLEY -- Both the Victor Valley and Burroughs boys basketball teams had reason to celebrate at the end of their game Thursday night.But the Jackrabbits got the last laugh in a 64-62 victory at the Keith Gunn Gymnasium.Victor Valley never trailed and led for almost the entire game. It had a 41-29 lead at halftime and stretched its lead to 18 at one point.But Burroughs tied the score on a layup with 13 seconds left. The Burros were elated and started to celebrate. Victor Valley's Joseph Vadillo saw that the celebration left Burroughs out of position and quickly got the ball up court to Elijah Creighton for a contested layup and the game-winning bucket."They were a little happy," Victor Valley coach Matt Denny said. "They were figuring at least overtime."Previously the Jackrabbits lost by two points against Burroughs on the road in a game in which they were down by 18 and had a chance to tie or win it at the end.Creighton scored a game-high 24 points and had five rebounds and two assists. Khalil James had 17 points, four rebounds, seven assists and four steals; Chris Smith added 10 points and seven rebounds; and Diante Gibson had eight rebounds to go with a black eye and a possible concussion, Denny said.Victor Valley jumped out to its early lead thanks to hot shooting, hitting seven 3s in the first half.The Jackrabbits did not attempt a single foul shot during the game and Burroughs was only called for three fouls. Burroughs went 11-for-15 on free throws.Victor Valley (13-5, 8-1 DSL) travels to play rival Silverado on Tuesday.BURROUGHS (62)Mi. Polman 26, Martin 16, Ma. Polman 10, Jones 7, Ledford 3.VICTOR VALLEY (64)Creighton 24, James 17, Smith 10, Gibson 8, Vadillo 3, Hunt 2.Burroughs 12 11 18 21 -- 62Victor Valley 17 24 13 10 -- 643-point field goals -- Burroughs 3 (Ma. Polman 2, Mi. Polman); Victor Valley 10 (Creighton 6, James 3, Vadillo).Prep Boys Basketball--SILVERADO 74, BARSTOW 61: At Barstow, the Hawks set up a first-place showdown in the Desert Sky League with a road win over the Aztecs.D.J. Sylvester led Silverado with 21 points, four rebounds, three steals and two blocks. Jordan Henderson had 16 points, seven rebounds and two steals; Alize Travis tallied 13 points, three rebounds, three assists, two blocks and two steals; A.J. Nolen had 13 points, six steals, four rebounds and two assists; Mikeo Bonam had six points, 10 rebounds and five steals; and Rafael Agee came off the bench to add five rebounds, two steals, a block and an assists.Joseph Boston led Barstow with 20 points and Cody Boston added 16.Silverado (14-5, 7-1 DSL) hosts first-place Victor Valley (8-1 DSL) on Tuesday.SILVERADO (74)Sylvester 21, Henderson 16, Travis 13, Nolen 13, Bonam 6, Katz 2, Ayinalem 2, Agee 1.BARSTOW (61)J. Boston 20, C. Boston 16, J. Joseph 7, Gallegos 6, E. Joseph 6, Johnson 4, Taylor 2.Silverado 20 15 16 23 -- 74Barstow 6 19 22 14 -- 613-point field goals -- Silverado 4 (Sylvester 2, Nolen 2); Barstow none.--GRANITE HILLS 53, ADELANTO 31: At Apple Valley, the Cougars used a big fourth quarter to pick up their first Desert Sky League win of the season.Granite Hills led 29-21 after three quarters, then outscored Adelanto 24-10 in the final quarter to pull away.Michael Granger led the Cougars with 12 points. Dornell Norwood had nine points, 11 rebounds and five steals, and Richard Lopez added seven steals and four assists.Granite Hills (1-7 DSL) host Hesperia on Monday.Tyrone Hall led Adelanto (1-8 DSL) with 17 points.ADELANTO (31)Hall 17, Brokenbaugh 6, Bradford 3, Warren 2, Guthier 2, Medley 1.GRANITE HILLS (53)Granger 12, Klaus 10, Norwood 9, Yarber 7, Willman 7, Kaiser 5, Lopez 2, Dominguez 1.Adelanto 10 6 5 10 -- 31G. Hills 9 13 7 24 -- 533-point field goals -- Adelanto 3 (Brokenbaugh 2, Bradford); Granite Hills 3 (Granger, Yarber, Kaiser).--UNIVERSITY PREP 56, HESPERIA CHRISTIAN 54: At Hesperia, the Jaguars held on to beat the Patriots in a nonleague game.With less than 10 seconds remaining, University Prep missed the front end of a 1-and-1. Hesperia Christian got the rebound and had a chance to win the game, but Jared Hays' 3-pointer didn't fall.Jaalen Thompson and Herbert Morales each scored 14 points for University Prep (8-4). Vaughn Williams had 10 points and David Valdez finished with eight, including two free throws in the fourth quarter.Brad Leontas led HCS (7-7) with 19 points. Andrew Peacock had 17 points, 16 rebounds, four blocks and three steals, while Hays finished with seven points, six assists and three steals."I'm not all that disappointed," Patriots head coach Scott Dobyns said. "We need to play games like this. We need to grow up and learn to finish games. We need to play as many tough games as possible to prepare for the playoffs."On Friday, University Prep hosts Summit Leadership Academy and Hesperia Christian travels to Antelope Valley Christian.UNIVERSITY PREP (56)Thompson 14, Morales 14, Williams 10, Valdez 8, Bhangu 6, Perez 4.HESPERIA CHRISTIAN (54)Leontas 19, Peacock 17, Bragg 7, Hays 7, Andross 2, Flores 2.U. Prep 14 13 15 14 -- 56H. Christian 15 11 13 15 -- 543-point field goals -- University Prep 1 (Bhangu); HCS 6 (Leontas 4, Bragg, Hays). Fouled out -- Leontas (H).Prep Girls Basketball--SILVERADO 66, BARSTOW 64: At Victorville, Tennia Hill scored 26 points to lead the Hawks past the Aztecs in a DSL game.Jasmine Williams had 12 points and Talon Lewis had eight for Silverado (5-4 DSL).Barstow's Jasmine Green led all scorers with 24 points and Tiare Alefaio had 15.Silverado is at Victor Valley on Tuesday.BARSTOW (64)Green 24, Alefaio 15, Mims 9, Proctor 6, Cooks 6, Tucker 4.SILVERADO (66)Hill 26, Williams 12, Lewis 8, Harris 7, Guerrero 5, Banks 4, Brown 4.Barstow 15 17 14 18 -- 64Silverado 23 20 15 8 -- 663-point field goals -- Barstow 1 (Green); Silverado 7 (Williams 3, Hill 3, Guerrero). Fouled out -- Lewis (S).Prep Boys Soccer--SILVERADO 4, BARSTOW 1: At Barstow, the Hawks jumped out to a 4-0 halftime lead and cruised from there.Joe Moreno scored twice, his brother Anthony Moreno netted one, and Barstow helped with the other one on an own goal. Alan Manzo assisted on two goals.Silverado (7-1-1 DSL) hosts Victor Valley on Tuesday.--VICTOR VALLEY儲存倉9, BURROUGHS 1: At Victorville, David Escalante scored a hat trick and dished out an assist as the Jackrabbits snapped a two-game losing streak.Rodrigo Lopez scored twice and dished out two assists for Victor Valley (4-2-3), which led 4-0 at halftime.Thomas Armendarez, Omar Contreras and Rodrigo Rodriguez all had a goal and an assist. Daniel Mazariegos scored once, while Efren Gomez, Robert Becerra and Elden Arellano each finished with an assist. Brandon Palafox made one save in the first half, and Alan Narajo made five in the second.Victor Valley (4-2-3 DSL) plays at Silverado on Tuesday.--GRANITE HILLS 4, ADELANTO 0: At Apple Valley, Justin Padilla scored all four goals for the Cougars in their win over the Saints in a DSL match.Danny Carvajal had two assists, while Brian Soriano and Michael Schwegman added one apiece for Granite Hills (12-4-2, 7-1-1 DSL). Nanzul Ramos had five saves in goal.The Cougars play at Barstow on Tuesday.--RIVERSIDE PREP 4, ACADEMY FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE 0: At Apple Valley, Jonathan Nolasco and Domingo Galeana each had a goal and an assist as the Silver Knights defeated the Knights in a Cross Valley League match.Miguel Marin and Cristian Rufino also scored for Riverside Prep (11-4-1, 8-1-1 CVL). Roberto Diaz and Andres Cortes each had an assist. In goal, Alvaro Lainez had three saves.The Silver Knights are at University Prep on Tuesday.--EXCELSIOR 3, ACADEMY OF CAREERS AND EXPLORATION 2: At Hesperia, David Avilas scored the game-winning goal for Excelsior with about 40 seconds to play.Devon Moreno finished with two assists and a goal, and Sebastian Estrada completed the scoring for Excelsior (4-7-1, 4-6 CVL), which faces Academy for Academic Excellence on Tuesday.--UNIVERSITY PREP 3, SUMMIT LEADERSHIP ACADEMY 1: At Victorville, the Jaguars scored twice in the second half to pull away from the Eagles and remain unbeaten in Cross Valley League play.The match was tied at 1 at halftime.Troy Lineham scored twice, Julio Serrano had a goal and an assist and Robert Hernandez notched an assist. University Prep coach Sammy Lara said goalkeeper Scott Hard made two really good saves.University Prep (9-0-1) takes on Riverside Prep on Tuesday.Prep Girls Soccer--SILVERADO 1, BARSTOW 1: At Victorville, neither team could come up with the game-winning goal in the second half.Jocelyn Cervantes opened the scoring for Silverado (3-4-4, 3-2-3 DSL) with a goal off an assist from Alyssa Solis. But late in the first half, the Aztecs scored the equalizer.Christina Gomez made four saves in the first half, while Brianna Silveira had two saves in the second half.Silverado is at Victor Valley on Tuesday.--GRANITE HILLS 7, ADELANTO 0: At Adelanto, Michelle Zarate scored a second hat trick of the week as the Cougars routed the Saints in a DSL match.Victoria Donoso, Ceslie Lefever, Maria Lara and Emma Healey all scored for Granite Hills (8-6-3, 6-0-3 DSL). Ashlenn Bradbury had four assists, Lara dished out two and Elaya Lopez had one assist.Noelle Hele and Ashley Bonetpels each had one save in goal. The Cougars outshot Adelanto 42-4.Granite Hills plays Quartz Hill in a nonleague match on Friday.--ACADEMY FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE 3, RIVERSIDE PREP 0: At Oro Grande, Jenna Pinkerton had a hat trick to help the Knights beat the Silver Knights in a Cross Valley League match.Ally Samp had two assists and Hannah Hanson added one. Hannah Hutzley made nine saves in the shutout.AAE (6-2-1 CVL) hosts Excelsior on Tuesday.--UNIVERSITY PREP 3, UPLAND CHRISTIAN 0: At Rancho Cucamonga, the Jaguars remained unbeaten in Cross Valley League action with the win.Aime Alcala scored her first goal of the season, and Maritza Martinez and Marlyn Espino also scored. Jeannine Lugo and Cassey Durado had one assist each, and goalkeeper Justice Borden made five saves.University Prep (8-0-2) is at Riverside Prep on Tuesday.--EXCELSIOR 2, POMONA CATHOLIC 1: At Victorville, the Eagles pulled out a win in a Cross Valley League match.Sarah Calvert headed the first goal in off a corner kick from Abriana Trejo. Brienna Schriebman scored the second. She threw in to Jordan Hemstedt, who passed back and Schriebman put the ball in the back of the goal.Goalkeeper Courtney Osburn made three saves."Courtney came out strong and made all the necessary stops," Excelsior coach Ramo Badohoun said. "The one goal was tricky, because it was over her head. ... Jordan and Abriana contributed to a well-played defensive game. This win clearly belonged to our defensive effort."Excelsior (8-3-1, 6-3-1 CVL) plays Academy for Academic Excellence on Tuesday.Prep Wrestling--HESPERIA 52, SERRANO 18: At Hesperia, the Scorpions finished their Mojave River League dual campaign 2-2 with a win over the Diamondbacks.On senior night for Hesperia, all six seniors won their matches. Jacob Shurtliff (138 pounds), Mejalee Gay (195), Paul Bretado (220) and Gabriel Quezada (HWT) each won by pinfall. Chris Rocha (132) won by major decision and Javier Hernandez (160) decisioned his opponent.Hesperia and Serrano (0-3 MRL) will compete at the Dick Comly Invitational at Victor Valley, which begins Friday.106 -- B. Gray (H) won by forfeit.113 -- A. Hernandez (H) pinned E. Davis, 3:23.120 -- Vazquez (H) dec. Kelly, 14-10.126 -- Killpatrick (S) pinned Ramos, 3:25.132 -- C. Gray (H) dec. Gutierrez, 10-5.138 -- Shurtliff (H) pinned Gamboa, 3:26.145 -- Rocha (H) major dec. M. Balsitas, 10-2.152 -- R. Losorelli (S) pinned Urzua, 5:03.160 -- J. Hernandez (H) dec. Hogan, 5-1.170 -- Attwood (S) pinned Singh, 1:51.182 -- Vazquez (H) dec. W. Buckle, 10-4.195 -- Gay (H) pinned A. Mendoza, 1:42.220 -- Bretado (H) pinned Younes, 1:20.HWT -- Quezada (H) pinned Bailous, 4:23.--OAK HILLS 51, APPLE VALLEY 25: At Apple Valley, the Bulldogs topped the Sun Devils to improve to 4-0 overall and 3-0 in Mojave River League action.Oak Hills just had two seniors in its lineup in R.J. Caldwell and Shawn Elder. The rest of the lineup consisted of six sophomores, three freshmen and two juniors.Jordan Gaska (120 pounds), Angel Flores (132), Joseph Vaughn (138), Elder (160) and Jonathan Peterson (HWT) each recorded pins.The Bulldogs head to the Santiago/Garden Grove Tournament on Saturday and then host Sultana, which is also 3-0 in MRL, on Jan. 31.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) Visit the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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DNS可能受攻擊環節家用路由器被劫持市面上超過30%的家用路由器存在弱密碼漏洞,黑客可以通過批量入侵網站後植入惡意代碼,使用戶上網過程中DNS地址被黑客偷偷篡改。解決方案:360安全衛士“電腦體檢”可以檢測提示用戶修復路由器弱密碼漏洞,預防DNS被篡改。運營商DNS劫持運營商為了推送廣告可以有針對性地在解析某些網站的返回內容中插入包含廣告的JS代碼,或者直接把原本網站的真實IP修改為廣告頁面的IP,用戶在訪問網站時看到的直接是廣告頁面。解決方案:被劫持的互聯網產品可以對JS進行覆蓋重寫來解決,普通網民可以將DNS服務器地址改為8.存倉8.8.8等國外DNS服務器來避免DNS被劫持。網站DNS被篡改2010年,百度首頁被篡改,經調查發現是由於baidu.com的域名在美國域名註冊商處被黑客入侵並非法篡改,導致網民訪問百度都會被指向一個“伊朗網軍”的頁面。解決方案:站長可以選擇把網站加入360網站衛士,使用網站衛士高防DNS來避免遭受惡意篡改,並保護網站不被黑客入侵。“當一個網站能夠正常訪問的時候,大家沒有好好珍惜,當訪問不了網速變慢了,才後悔莫及……”1月21日下午,當中國國內大面積域名出現解析異常,致使部分用戶無法正常訪問時,網友無奈地對著無法打開的網站調侃。對於這次突如其來的“斷網”,國家互聯網應急中心22日證實,這次故障是由於根服務器遭受網絡攻擊所致。甚少聽說的根服務器為何會造成如此大的影響?看似與廣大網友“毫不相干”的根服務器到底出現了什麼故障?作為互聯網大國,面對根服務器攻擊為何束手無策?“堵車”異常20分鐘或影響48小時“臨近春節,不僅春運堵車,連網絡也堵車了嗎?”坐在電腦前,“果子”對於訪問網站出現的“異常”還不以為意。但是很快,在連續點擊幾個主要網站和簡單的測試後,他發現,問題似乎並不是出現在網絡速度上面。“連百度、新浪這樣的大型網站也出現問題,這個‘異常’不一般!”作為曾經的“黑客”,“果子”如今不僅是一家網絡公司的CTO,業餘時間還經常為網絡安全企業“抓BUG”,對於21日下午出現的網絡“異常”他格外敏感。“我發現不少網站的IP地址指向不對,我當時就判斷應該是DNS的問題。”“果子”在接受南方日報記者採訪時表示,在和國內DNS服務商聯繫後,他證實了自己的判斷。據南方日報記者瞭解,1月21日下午3時10分左右,全國範圍內有不少網友和“果子”一樣,發現一些網站無法登錄,就連新浪、百度、騰訊也莫名“消失”。據360網站衛士發佈的數據顯示,最高峰時全國約2/3的網站DNS服務器解析失敗,數千萬網友無法順利上網。故障波及旅遊、航空、電商、IT服務、社區等�多網站,網站報錯均為“無法與服務器建立連接”。“根域名服務器的作用是解析DNS。DNS好比郵政編碼,投遞員(根域名服務器)通過郵政編碼(DNS),能快速分揀信件,投遞到各地分局。在正常情況下,根域名服務器解析DNS是準確無誤的。因為故障,讓網友訪問的網址都被指向了65.49.2.178這個IP地址,造成無法訪問的現象。”360網站安全專家董方向南方日報記者介紹,頂級根域名服務器的異常持續了20分鐘左右,盡管如今已經恢複正常,但對國內部分網友的影響可能會持續48個小時。董方進一步解釋,這是由於各省運營商服務器上會緩存DNS,短的一個小時更新一次,長的48小時更新一次。”也就是說,有的網絡運營商服務器要48小時才能把這個假DNS更換過來。“因此,有可能造成部分網站無法正常訪問的情況。”“目前技術分析的原因有兩種可能。”“果子”透露了故障背後可能存在的“黑手”:首先不排除有黑客入侵了根域名服務器,接管瞭解析響應。還有一種可能是在網絡傳輸通過的各大節點處對解析結果進行了篡改替換。“果子”認為,如果這次事件真是黑客所為,那這個傳說中的黑客需要具備比較全面的技術,既要熟悉網絡入侵技術,對DNS協議很熟悉,還要瞭解中國互聯網的情況,更要有“膽量”炮製這次社會影響巨大的公�事件。汙染只發生在中國的DNS攻擊據互聯網安全領域專家介紹,這次被國家互聯網應急中心定性為“根服務器遭網絡攻擊”的事件,其“作案”手段採用了“DNS汙染”的方式。據介紹,“DNS汙染”是一種讓一般用戶由於得到虛假目標主機IP而不能與其通信的方法,是一種DNS緩存層面的攻擊,而“DNS汙染”是發生在用戶請求的第一步上,直接從協議上對用戶的DNS請求進行干擾。“用戶訪問一個地址時,國內的服務器(非DNS)監控到用戶訪問的已經被標記地址時,國內的服務器就偽裝成DNS服務器向用戶發回錯誤的地址。”“果子”表示,據他觀察,雖然國內多數網絡訪問出現故障,但大部分網站的手機客戶端在本次故障中並未受到影響,包括新浪微博、支付寶等在內的多個主流應用仍可正常使用。對此,360網絡安全工程師趙武解釋說,根服務器主要用來管理互聯網的主目錄,全世界只有13台,其中大部分都放置在美國,英國、瑞典、日本各一台。所有根服務器均由美國政府授權的互聯網域名與號碼分配機構ICANN統一管理,負責全球互聯網域名根服務器、域名體系和IP地址等的管理。全球13台根域名服務器以英文字母A到M依序命名,其中有9台在全球多個地點設立有鏡像站。“假設這次有兩台被‘汙染’了,還有11台是乾淨的。由於網絡訪問機制不同,手機上網可能會訪問不同的根服務器,因此在訪問一些網頁時,在PC上無法登錄,在手機上卻能正常登錄”。據介紹,360網站衛士團隊通過對DNS跟蹤測試分析發現,全球13台根域名服務器中,至少有兩台根服務器(C和E)遭到汙染,由此導致國內大量網站無法正常訪問。在DNS故障期間,微博網友@張立坤和@yizerowu對根域名進行瞭解析測試。通過截圖發現,在對facenano.com網站測試中,C根域名(被解析為65.49.2.178,說明C根域名遭到汙染。網友通過對taobao.com進行測試發現,E根域名(也被汙染,同樣被解析到65.49.2.178這個IP,而360網站衛士對twitter.com等多個國外域名進行測試後發現,解析IP地址正常,表明域名未被汙染。由此可以推斷,本次DNS故障只是國內域名遭到汙染,未發現國外域名受影響。此外,360網站衛士對全國各地的域名解析進行追蹤,發現各地域名的解析時間統一為25ms,出奇地一致。由此推測,此次事件最大的可能是根域名服務器被汙染,而且只針對國內域名。中國信息安全測評中心高級顧問俞曉秋在接受媒體採訪時就提出儲存問:如果是根服務器遭到攻擊,意味著全球或是某個區域內的國家域名解析都會出問題,而不會只是一個國家。從這個角度來看,可能是中國境內提供域名解析的服務器出了問題。危害DNS攻擊恐成“網銀殺手”一場突如其來的全國網絡大癱瘓,不僅讓DNS這個專業術語瞬間爆紅,一則消息也在微博、朋友圈中不脛而走:“大面積的DNS故障,意味著你訪問的百度可能不是真正的百度,你看見的微博也不是真正的微博,你訪問的網銀、支付寶都可能已經被盜走!”DNS攻擊真的會讓網銀被盜嗎?南方日報記者採訪360安全中心獲悉,盡管1月21日全國DNS故障沒有危及網銀,但事實上DNS攻擊每天都在網絡中發生,而且已經有黑客通過篡改路由器DNS設置,劫持各大知名網站插入廣告和欺詐信息,甚至把網站替換為假冒的釣魚頁面,套取受害者賬號密碼。這對於網上銀行的用戶來說是不容忽視的風險。據安全專家介紹,DNS相當于互聯網的“導航儀”,負責把用戶訪問的網址分配到網站IP。一旦DNS胡亂“指路”,用戶訪問網銀官網地址時,打開的可能是黑客仿冒的頁面。這時輸入卡號、支付密碼、動態口令等信息,都會直接提交到釣魚網站後台。“全國大範圍的DNS故障只是偶發事件,對網民來說,更常見的風險是路由器DNS設置被黑客篡改,受害者訪問的所有網址都要通過黑客的DNS域名解析,這時黑客有可能會針對網銀等重要網站進行釣魚竊取密碼。”360安全專家石曉虹博士告訴記者。據相關安全機構檢測,DNS曾被黑客篡改的網民比例達到4.7%。對於全國性大規模DNS故障,任何個人用戶都無法防範,但可以通過修改本地DNS設置恢複正常上網。而對於威脅到網銀、網購交易、電子郵箱等賬號密碼的DNS攻擊,網民完全可以通過預防措施降低風險。石曉虹告訴記者,黑客之所以能偷偷篡改DNS,主要原因是大多數網友只知道WiFi要設置密碼,不知道路由器默認的管理密碼也要重新設置。據介紹,路由器包裝盒或說明書上記載有路由器管理地址和賬號密碼,用戶登錄管理地址後,最好將路由器的默認管理密碼修改為複雜的密碼。如果電腦忽然出現無法上網、網速變慢、知名網站亂彈廣告等情況,有很大可能是DNS出現問題,網友可以通過“網絡-屬性-本地連接-屬性-Internet協議版本4”進行設置,並且記錄幾個應急備用的DNS地址,例如101.226.4.6,,,用記事本保存下來。思考中國是否需要自己的根服務器?據中國互聯網絡信息中心16日發佈的第33次《中國互聯網絡發展狀況統計報告》顯示,截至去年12月,中國網民規模達6.18億,互聯網普及率為45.8%。作為互聯網大國,在面對遭到的根服務器攻擊後造成如此巨大的影響,可謂給行業敲響了一個警鐘。“域名解析系統(DNS)是互聯網運行最重要的基礎支撐服務之一,政府應該建立域名解析災備應急系統,加大針對DNS攻擊的打擊力度,提高各級域名解析服務商的資源投入,加強針對域名劫持的監管和處罰。同時,鼓勵民營企業提供安全可靠的域名解析服務,,並在政策上給予支持,這樣可以有效彌補運營商/ISP技術的不足,有助于提升我國域名解析服務的整體安全水平。”趙武向南方日報記者表示,本次事件讓整個行業更加重視互聯網底層安全的問題。“我們認為這次故障跟頂級域名服務商在哪兒沒有直接關係,不過如果國內有頂級根域名服務器的話,確實有利於網絡穩定運行。比如下一次中國跟國外的網絡中斷了,或者更誇張一點說,如果爆發網絡戰爭,由於根服務器都在國外,那麼只要對國內的解析請求屏蔽,就會導致全網癱瘓事件;更險惡一點地說,攻擊者可以設置偽裝網站,產生釣魚的效果,可以導致群體信息泄露,大規模的金融損失等。”中國互聯網絡信息中心(CNNIC)副總工程師金鍵在接受媒體採訪時表示,此次事故中,頂級域名根服務器出現故障,但使用.CN等中國域名系統的用戶並未出現問題,這提醒國內知名網絡內容商需要加強在中國的備份工作。此外,要想徹底杜絕類似事故發生,關鍵在於國家通過外交、民間等手段,爭取到管理互聯網主目錄根服務器的管理權。“目前全世界所有的網絡信息,基本都要傳送到美國的根服務器,才返回各國。一旦發生戰爭或者天災,完全可能出現一個國家的網絡被中斷的情況。”金鍵推薦大家使用“.CN”、“.中國”等由中國自己的機構主管的域名系統。“這些域名的安全性會強很多。”全國範圍網絡故障事件一覽2006年12月27日台灣地震震斷海底光纜受南海海域發生強烈地震影響,多條國際海底通信光纜發生中斷,造成中國大陸至台灣地區、美國、歐洲等方向的通信線路大量中斷,國際、港澳台互聯網訪問質量受到嚴重影響,包括雅虎等國際網站無法訪問。此外,國際港澳台話音和專線業務也受到一定影響。2009年5月19日暴風DNS受攻擊致大範圍斷網江蘇、河北、山西、廣西、浙江等省份陸續出現互聯網網絡故障,部分互聯網用戶的服務受到影響,用戶上網速度極慢以致無法上網。工信部發佈通報確認,此次故障是由於暴風網站的域名解析系統受到網絡攻擊,導致電信運營企業的遞歸域名解析服務器收到大量異常請求而引發擁塞。2010年1月12日百度域名被劫持在中國大部分地區和美國、歐洲等地都無法以任何方式正常登錄百度網站,長達8個小時,是百度成立以來最嚴重的服務器故障事件。百度被自稱是“伊朗網軍”的黑客組織入侵,百度域名baidu.com的WHOIS傳輸協議被無故更改,網站的域名被更換至雅虎屬下的兩個域名服務器。部分網民更發現網站頁面被篡改成黑色背景以及伊朗國旗,同時顯示“This site has been hacked by Iranian Cyber Army”(該網站已被伊朗網軍入侵)字樣以及一段阿拉伯文字,然後跳轉至英文雅虎主頁。2011年2月21日中國電信全國大規模網絡故障約15時開始,部分電信用戶反饋,網速非常緩慢,很多網頁無法打開。電信網絡不穩定情況涉及全國許多省市。據不完全統計,此次斷網累計時間持續近3小時。上海電信客服人員稱是由於發現網絡線路出現故障,電信進行了寬帶維修所致。2014年1月21日DNS域名根服務器故障15時10分左右,有網友反映國內�多網站出現無法訪問的現象。包括百度、新浪、騰訊、京東等諸多網站的訪問均受影響,使用網盤的用戶會發現無法連接成功,部分網頁的圖片也無法正常瀏覽。包括weibo.com等很多網站被解析到65.49.2.178上。據多家DNS服務商透露,該故障是由於全國所有通用頂級域的根服務器出現異常。●南方日報記者 葉丹 策劃統籌:程鵬 殷劍鋒 江華迷你倉

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mini storage  內地媒體報道,內地互聯網公司去年推出各種理財產品,令讓四大內銀一月份首20日流失約7,000億元(人民幣,下同)存款。同時,五大國有銀行都將存款利率,上調至官方存款基礎利率的10%上限。騰訊(700)旗下微信「理財通」開通首日,存入金額已超過8億元。上調至10%上限  建行(939)上周已發出公告,將上調存款利率權力下放至一級分行,以及容許各省份行將權限,進一步下放至市級。中行(3988)及交行(3328)近期亦上調了存款利率至上限。去年底起,中行已將定期存款利率上調迷你倉10%,存款門檻則為一年期5萬元起,三年期為10萬元起,五年期則為20萬元起。理財通首日存入八億  內地互聯網公司推出的理財產品﹐吸金力驚人,阿里巴巴旗下的餘額寶,每秒錄得新資金300萬元,大部分資金來自銀行。騰訊旗下微信「理財通」,存入金額逾8億元,由於開通首日出現堵塞問題,「理財通」宣布向當日參與用戶,補發金額介乎5元至20元的紅包。  有銀行業人士指出,餘額寶已促使銀行上調活期存款利率。有業內人士指出,餘額寶目前只贏了名聲,在去年半年已支付了18億元利息,成本壓力不低。文件倉

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self storage【記者賴秋妤報道】隨�智能手機日漸普及,本港幾乎人人成為「低頭族」。個人資料私隱專員公署去年收到93宗涉及資訊科技應用的投訴,按年大增86%。另外,公署在去年抽查了60款本地開發的智能電話應用程式,結果發現只有六成程式有向用家提供私隱政策聲明,促請開發公司應向用戶詳細交代,並呼籲市民安裝程式時提高警惕。環顧四周,不難看見大部分人都拿�手機,瀏覽Facebook或WhatsApp等智能電話應用程式。公署去年收到93宗涉及資訊科技應用的投訴,較2012年的50宗大增86%。當中有40宗是投訴個人資料被放上社交網站,12宗投訴在WhatsApp接收到促銷訊息。個人資料私隱專員蔣任宏昨日在記者迷利倉上指出,透過WhatsApp賣廣告的機構,多是隨機抽出手機號碼,按現有條件無法跟進。他又稱,擅自將他人資料放上網的個案,大部分都不能追查發布人的身份,但受害人可要求網站管理者刪除資料。蔣任宏建議用家透過網站設定,限制他人瀏覽個人資料。公署已邀請社交網站Facebook的職員5月來港,講解用戶私隱設定。下載應用程式要留意針對資訊及通訊科技應用方面,公署於去年抽查了60款本地開發的智能電話應用程式,結果發現只有六成程式有向用家提供私隱政策聲明,大部分沒有解釋程式會讀取手機上哪些資料和讀取資料的目的。蔣任宏呼籲,市民下載手機應用程式前,要留意程式私隱聲明及蒐集個人資料的用途,再決定是否安裝程式。迷你倉

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家用 NAS 內建的功能愈來愈強 QNAP 在最新《QTS 4.迷你倉將軍澳1》試版作業系統內,引入《Notes Station》新功能,讓用家自建雲端筆記 (Cloud Notes)。無限儲存容量近年,網上出現不少雲端筆記服務 (Cloud Notes Service),例如︰Evernote、Quick Note 等,讓用家可隨時隨地建立及存取筆記,更可與朋友共享。雖然這些雲端筆記大多提供免費試用版本,但仍有一定限制,例如︰試用期短、儲存容量設上限等。此外,若雲端筆記供應商中止服務,雲端上的所有筆記,極有機會付諸流水。QNAP 在其最新《QTS 4.1》試版作業系統內,引入全新的《Notes Station》網上筆記功能,讓用家可以在 QNAP NAS 內,建立個人私密雲端筆記,除無容量上限外,更可利用 NAS 內建的備份功能,將筆記備份。多人共享《Notes Station》屬於網上筆記管理系統,並提供基本文書處理功能如︰文字大小、插入表格等,同時可讓用家在筆記內加入不同類型的文件,包括︰相片、音樂、影片及其他檔案格式,用家更可將筆記連結至「行事曆」或「待辦事項」。另外,用家也可將筆記與其他使用者共享,並可設定為不同權限如︰「只可檢示」、「可編輯」及「可邀請其他人使用」,讓多個用家同步更新資料。《Notes Station》更為流動平台提供專用的使用介面,方便用家隨時隨地存取筆記。QNAP QTS 4.1 Beta 下載網址 Notes Station 設定流程STEP 1升級 QTS 4.1要使用《Notes Station》,必須將 NAS 升級至《QTS 4.1》試版作業系統,由於屬試版的關系,用家需到 QNAP 官方網站下載,然後在 NAS 介面的「控制台」→「系統設定」→「韌體更新」,以手動方式進行更新。STEP 02安裝《Notes Station》套件更新韌體完成後,NAS 便會重新啟動,由於需升級核心檔案,故過程需時達 10 分鐘。完成後,進入 NAS 主介面,便可在「App Center」內找到 《Notes Station》,按下「新增至 QTS」以進行安裝。STEP 03建立筆記完成安裝後,在瀏覽器輸入「nasip/qnote/」(編按:nasip 為 NAS 的 IP 位址) 進入 《Notes Station》主頁。用家可在此建立不同類型的筆記,也可利用內建的範例。STEP 04共享設定《Notes Station》提供共享功能,只需按下每本筆記旁的選項圖示,再選擇「共用筆記」,便可為筆記加入多個共用使用者,更可設定使用者的共享權限。分析:網頁擷取資料用家在《Chrome》瀏覽器內安裝《Notes Station Clipper》套件,便可隨時在任何網頁進行畫面擷取,並直接匯入筆記內,使用相當方便。Comment評植入實用功能近年,各 NAS 廠商除了在硬件規格上鬥法外,更在作業系統、軟件工具作出強化,為用家提供免費而實用的功能,像今次介紹的《Notes Station》,非常適合工作小組共享資料及進程之用。text&photo 賢︱edit Ringo︱art Joey24小時迷你倉

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Source: The Baltimore SunJan.儲存 23--Carroll County commissioners have lost their case against several media organizations and now must decide whether to comply with a judge's order to turn over email lists or appeal.The five commissioners plan to meet in closed session Thursday to discuss the case, which resulted in a court order last week giving the board until early February to provide email distribution lists used by the commissioners, including the email addresses. If they choose to challenge the ruling before the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, they would have until mid-February to do so.In an opinion issued Jan. 16, retired Howard County Circuit Judge Dennis M. Sweeney ruled against the commissioners, who in March denied a Carroll County Times reporter's request under the Maryland Public Information Act for mailing lists, including email addresses, that the commissioners use to contact groups of people.The Times' reporter's case was later joined by The Baltimore Sun, the Washington Post and WMAR-TV.The commissioners argued that releasing email addresses would "cause substantial injury to the public interest," because it could compromise citizens' privacy and possibly discourage people from contacting the board.Sweeney ruled these public-interest concerns "are not trivial" and perhaps the state legislature should review the policy. But he ruled that they did not meet the standard of evidence of potential "injury" to public interest.Charles Tobin, a Washington-based lawyer who represented the media companies, said the lists were compiled by commissioners to contact groups of people. The email addresses are significant in understanding the way the county does business and were worth fighting to get, he said."The case will help prevent officials from building secret societies of supporters by using government email to communicate exclusively迷你倉with them," Tobin said. "An important part of open government is knowing who whispers in the ears of our elected officials."Commissioner Richard S. Rothschild, for instance, has a list called "Conservative Counties," and an email newsletter, "Inside the Boardroom," that he sent to one of the lists, Tobin said.County Attorney Timothy C. Burke declined to respond to requests for comment. Rothschild, vice president of the board of five Republicans, said in an email that media organizations operate under a partisan double standard.When Gov. Martin O'Malley refused a Carroll County man's request for an email list, claiming "substantial injury to the public interest," no issue was made of it, he said. But "the media was indignant when a Republican Board of Commissioners refused to release citizens' private email addresses for the exact same reason."According to papers filed in the Carroll commissioners case, James M. Graham III in 2011 withdrew his request to the governor after O'Malley's office responded by saying it would file suit seeking to protect the records, which is how the Carroll commissioners responded to the newspaper's request. In an affidavit filed with the case, Graham said he found the reference to possible litigation "intimidating."Tobin agreed the Graham-O'Malley instance is significant, but not for the reasons Rothschild gave."What O'Malley did points out why this case is important," Tobin said. "Citizens should not be forced to back down from their rights for fear of litigation."The county could be on the hook now for the media groups' court costs. Tobin said he believes his clients could collect, but he said no decision has been made on whether to pursue that in court.___arthur.hirsch@baltsun.comCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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迷你倉出租 □記者 蘇雪燕 劉詩平 北京報道 來源:經濟參考報繼去年阿里巴巴推出“餘額寶”在市場上迅速“吸金”2500億元後,微信支付又在本...迷你倉

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本報訊(記者張禹)昨晚,深交所發佈公告稱,8只新股將于1月27日(下周一)在深交所掛牌上市,包括了2只中小板個股和6只創業板個股。記者登錄深交所的官方網站看到,這8只新股分別是歐浦鋼網(002711)、金一文化(002721)、創意信息(300366)、欣泰電氣(300372)、鵬翎股份(300375)、易事特(300376)、贏時勝(300377)、鼎捷軟件(300378)。其中,廣東歐浦鋼鐵物流股份有限公司股份總數為15001萬股,其中首次公開發行的3752.迷你倉75萬股自上市之日開始上市交易;北京金一文化發展股份有限公司股份總數為1儲存倉725萬股,首次公開發行4181.25萬股;四川創意信息技術股份有限公司股份總數為5715萬股,首次公開發行1428.75萬股;丹東欣泰電氣股份有限公司股份總數為8577.8609萬股,首次公開發行2144.5萬股;天津鵬翎膠管股份有限公司股份總數為8869.1478萬股,首次公開發行2220萬股;廣東易事特電源股份有限公司股份總數為8945萬股,首次公開發行2239萬股;深圳市贏時勝信息技術股份有限公司股份總數為5535萬股,首次公開發行1385萬股;鼎捷軟件股份有限公司股份總數為11878.4681萬股,首次公開發行30 00萬股。迷你倉最平

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Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.自存倉Jan. 23--HARWICH -- Staying active and social while becoming accustomed to vision loss is a challenge most would find daunting. For the crafty women in the Knit Lit program at Brooks Free Library, the burden is eased by a welcoming atmosphere, experienced mentors and chipper conversation."It's basically learning how to do things in a different way," says Carla Burke, who is blind and the assistive technology coordinator at Brooks Free Library. "It's a real adjustment. Lots of times people become isolated, depressed or bored."Burke lost her sight gradually from a degenerative retinal disorder. She began volunteering at the library and helping people with disabilities get access to materials and technology.In 2003, she implemented Cape Cod's first Vision Impaired Technology Assistance at the Library (VITAL) program and was hired within that year on a part-time basis to run it. Since then she has trained other area libraries on how to offer similar services."She's really become a resource for people on the Cape with disabilities," says library director Ginny Hewitt. Hewitt said Burke developed the training curriculum herself and credits her with starting the first municipal program of its kind in southeastern Massachusetts.In addition to taking on the task of improving library accessibility, Burke decided also to offer a "Learn to Knit" class in 2008. Six library patrons who were experiencing sight loss, ranging from limited functional vision to total blindness, were paired with seeing volunteers who taught them the basics of knitting as part of a six-week class. They were so enthused with knitting that they formed what is now the Knit Lit group to keep up the momentum.The weekly meeting is open to all knitters of any age or ability. Of the 24 active members, about six have a visual impairment. However, the group's mission is not angled specifically at assisting those with sight loss but rather including anyone interested in knitting.Despite its origins, Knit Lit today is less instructional and more social. Still, advice circulates naturally for both sighted participants and those with sight loss. Members will casually discuss books they happen to be reading or listening to, and they also org迷你倉出租nize regular charity projects. Some of the projects included donating a hodgepodge of winter apparel for the Latham Center, chemotherapy head caps for Cape Cod Hospital and a blanket for the Family Pantry of Cape Cod."It gives you a purpose," Burke says. "It's something you are accomplishing and it's relaxing."Susan Riley of Chatham was one of the original six who participated in the 2003 knitting class and is a fixture at Knit Lit. She is legally blind due to a degenerative retinal disorder and describes her sight as tunnel vision.Riley was referred to Brooks Free Library by the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind for computer classes. Upon meeting Burke, she was urged to join the knitting class."I had never knitted before," she says. "I didn't know if I'd be able to do it." But with the help of a mentor she knitted her first scarf. "One side was larger than the other," she says with a laugh.Many of the current Knit Lit participants speak of the lasting friendships and memories they have woven through the program."It was like a godsend for me because it opened up a wide range of people," Riley says. She says now she is able to arrange for rides to the library with other knitters.Mary Lopez of Harwich, who has been knitting since she was 11, was one of the volunteer mentors for "Learn to Knit," and said that the bonds began during the class. "There's a feeling of camaraderie," she says.Another Knit Lit member, Frances McLaughlin of Harwich, who was also one of the original six students, is legally blind from glaucoma and says that the tactile nature of the craft is helpful exercise to those with vision loss because it is an opportunity to figure things out with your hands.She also says that the greater benefit is the involvement in charity projects."To get out there and help somebody else," she says. "Not just focusing on your problem. You're helping other people and you help yourself in some way.""It's more than just knitting, it's social too," she says. "This is a real terrific group. If I run into trouble there's always someone who can help me fix it."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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